Download Viber Messenger App from app store link and install it in your new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. One of the most surprising facts about the iPhone 8 is that it has lower battery power than the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Apple placed the A11 Bionic chip in the iPhone 8, but it might not help save battery life, even those Apple’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, Phil Schiller, said that the battery life of the iPhone 8 would last two more hours than that of the iPhone 7.
It is also interesting to note that the iPhone 8 Plus is the heaviest phone ever, to date. It weighs in at 7.13 ounces, or 202 grams.
Did you know you can set your iPhone to create custom vibrations? This will allow you to know who’s calling, just by the way your phone vibrates. In the app for Contacts, simply choose a contact and select Edit. There, you will find an option for Vibration. After pressing it, you will find many options from which to choose, and you’ll even have the option to customize your own with the Create New Vibration tool.
You might have noticed, and possibly on more than one occasion, that Siri sometimes mispronounces certain words. The good news is, there is an easy fix for this. When she mispronounces something, simply tell her, by saying, “That is not how you pronounce [XXXXX]”. She will then ask you to pronoun it correctly and then ask if she got it right.
If you would like to delete words after typing them, in apps such as Notes, Messages or Mail, all you need to do is shake your iPhone. If you shake it again after the delete, it will redo the last deleted action. This is a whole lot faster than pressing buttons until the text you want to get rid of is gone. And no worries if you accidentally shake your iPhone. There will be a message that pops up, asking if you meant for that action to be carried out. At that time, you can confirm or delete, simply by tapping.
You might be painfully aware that you are not able to expand your storage. If you purchase a 64 gig handset, or a 256 gig handset, that is what you will have. Luckily, you can purchase the DataTraveler Bolt Duo. This tiny device can be snapped into the lightening port and gives you extra storage for many photos and videos.
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